Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thank you to everyone who has inquired about visiting now that my dad is at home. My parents are very excited to fellowship with friends and hope that my dad will be up for it in the near future.

Right now, my dad is quite weak and spends much of the day sleeping. We'll definitely let everyone know when he's up to having some time with friends. This is something that continues to motivate my dad and we look forward to that happening in the near future.

Many of you have asked us what the best way is to communicate with the family at this time. While the phone seems to be off the hook, we love emails and comments on the blog as a way to hear your well wishes. Your thoughts and prayers are such an encouragement to us!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,

    Glad to hear that Sam is home. Tell him I say hi and I am thinking of him and his recovery every day. Saturday mornings are kind of boring without his antics! I hope you and your family have a joyous Easter and I'm glad you will be all together at home for the holiday.

    Laura Meehan
