Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday PM

We just received word that my dad's left eye has lost permanent vision due to a disorder called posterior ischemic optic neuropathy. My basic understanding is that this was damage to the optic nerve due to lack of blood supply during my dad's first night in the intensive care unit.

My dad feels incredibly optimistic about this because he is focusing on the amazing progress he has made given the incredible obstacles his body has faced. I think for close family surrounding him, it's more difficult news.

We all remain incredibly grateful but exhausted. And this unexpected hurdle today has been difficult for us.

My dad's right eye looks to be fine and it sounds like the long term effects will be his right eye compensating for lack of vision in his left.

Prayer Requests:

More sleep for my mom and dad who continue to have sleepovers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

For our family as we let this discouraging news sink in.

For my dad to be able to be transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago shortly. (we are waiting for a bed, as far as NMH is concerned, he's ready to be released).

For our spirits as we process the incredible trauma we have faced over the past few weeks.

One of our big dreams right now is to be able to have my dad home for Easter so that we are able to gather around my parent's dinner table. While that may not be a prayer request, it is a hope in our hearts right now.



  1. I'm praying that God is NOT DONE YET. Compared to what we were praying for two weeks ago and even one week ago, this is discouraging but not hopeless. Our God is SO AMAZING that our shallow human minds cannot grasp what He is capable of. To all who read this: THE GAME IS NOT OVER YET. Please pray. I know it is tough and at times exhausting. We want to go back to our normal, comfortable lives and not be bothered. But, God wants us to pray and really, I mean REALLY trust and believe in Him. God could have taken Dwight away, but He did not. Dwight is optimistic. Lets join in his optimism and thank God for all He has done thus far. And then, let's ask for Him to do even more. Don't worry, GOD CAN HANDLE IT!

    - Mark

  2. We have been praying and will continue to pray for Dwight's recovery. I sure do hope you can all gather around the table together for Easter next weekend- with your dad's determination, I think it will happen! "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

    Love, Laura, Mark & Vinny

  3. i'm sorry to hear of the eyesight loss. that is a big blow. i was reminded of how grateful i am that this world is a temporary home. and that one day we will enjoy eternity without any health issues! :-)

    this is the passage i thought of from 2 Cor 4. i hope it encourages you as you the midst of celebrating.

    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
    So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

  4. We prayed for miracles before and even amazed the doctors. Let's pray for another miracle...for Dwight's vision in his left eye to improve. You never might happen with the power of all of our prayers. I am going to pray for that as well as for Dwight to continue to heal and return to his own home as soon as possible. It would be wonderful if it could be by Easter, but that might be too short of an amount of time if he is going to be getting lots of therapy at Rehabilitation Institute. Whatever it takes, let's keep praying for a speedy recovery. I also will pray for Sue and the rest of your family to get some rest. You all need that too!!!! G-d wants you all to take care of yourselves so you can help Dwight in the recovery process.

  5. Last week I went for a walk and as I did, thanked God for my oft-overlooked luxuries: eyesight, hearing, functional limbs, sense of smell and (possibly most important to me vocationally) sense of taste. I can't imagine one of those being gone in an instant. I pray that God bring you all peace and comfort as you adjust to this transition and yes, as Davida said, pray that we might even be surprised by what God can still do through this miracle story!
