Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To walk along side

I've recently learned that there are some phrases that we use in church culture that may be unique to this culture. It reminds me of meeting Nathan (who is from Oregon) and realizing that some things are just unique to the Midwest . . . who knew that not everyone knows not to take a shower during a thunderstorm?!

Recently someone questioned what "walking along side" really means. I didn't even realize that it may seem like a strange phrase. It's one I love though because it's a great visual image of support, of "meeting someone where they are at" and then being along side them as they process something, be it joyous or difficult.

Yesterday my dad had a really great day. He felt less fatigued and optimistic. His friend/neighbor and a member of their church, Dave, popped by and my dad walked around the block with him two times (and said he could have done even more)! I love this because it is both figuratively and literally a living out of the term "walking along side".

Last night we headed to my parents house and enjoyed pizza together. My dad was showing Sanne some of his physical therapy exercises and my dad and Sanne began to walk on their toes together. Again, a visual image.

My dad went in yesterday for a check-up with the endocrinologist at Northwestern. What a vast difference for him from last time he was there. My mom and dad went out to lunch, then walked over to the doctor. Something that 6 weeks ago was no big deal, 5 weeks ago was unimaginable . . . now is such a blessing to this family.

He will have another scope in two weeks so the doctors can get another look at the ulcer and see how it's healing. Please say prayers for us as we await these results.

Thank you for your continued "walking along side" us . . .whether it's prayers, cards, meals, phone calls, signing up for the blood drive, visits, etc . . . we are so thankful for your presence on our journey. Along with God's unfailing love and grace, your support gives us our endurance to continue.


1 comment:

  1. How exciting to hear about Dwight walking around the block twice and feeling ready to walk more! We will continue to pray for the whole family. We will pray for the healing of his ulcer.

    Love to all of you, JoAnn & Sam
