Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where is it written?

I remember a conversation that occurred during one of the many summers I spent at Covenant Point Bible Camp. A staff member said that the Covenant denomination does not have doctrine but is founded on two simple questions: Where is it written? (scripture) and How goes it with your walk? (relationship with God) Whether or not it is accurate to put the denomination in such a small nutshell, these two questions have guided me as I weave through the grayness that life can bring.

Many of you have sent Bible verses, prayers and poetry to us as a form of comfort and a reminder of God's prevailing love.

During this journey so far, I have found myself at the core . . . wanting basic needs. My dad to live, my body to sleep, my body to eat. And there is something so beautiful about being at this core because, for me, it gives me a heightened awareness of what is truly important. In the Time magazine article (that I posted recently) the author hypothesized as to a biological explanation of why we may have a heightened awareness during fasting. And while I'm sure there is merit in the biological explanation, I tend to move toward the spiritual.

If you have any stories to share of answering the questions: Where is it written? or How goes it with your walk? during your time of prayer and support for my dad we would love for you to share it. It would be a comfort to crack open our Bibles and see where God was speaking to others during this tragic turned miraculous event.


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