Sunday, April 12, 2009


One suggestion made by my dad's physical therapist was that my dad exercise his lungs by blowing bubbles. This seemed like the perfect activity for both Sanne and Tokig. So we had a pre-Easter dinner trip to the backyard. So fun.



  1. What JOY to see Dwight and his precious little Sanne blowing bubbles in the backyard! We are so thankful to God for His miracles!
    Thank you so very much for keeping us updated with Dwight's progress! We are say the least!
    We know this Easter Day WAS the BEST one ever!
    God's blessing to all, Love and hugs......

  2. Love the pics!!!

    -Karin Novak :)

  3. What great pictures! Dwight certainly was having fun! Sanne looked pretty interested also. What a wonderful Easter celebration! We also love the updates. We keep the whole family in our prayers.

    Love, JoAnn & Sam

  4. I was delighted to see pictures of Dwight and his granddaughter blowing bubbles. I know I speak for all the retired Fairview teachers when I say we are so happy with Dwight's progress and we send our best wishes for his continued recovery.
