Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As I breathe I hope - Latin Proverb

It has been a good day for my dad. Very simply (because, frankly, very simply is how I understand it)

Areas of praise:

His lungs are improving

His heart is strong

The artery where he was bleeding has been clamped during the procedure and if the ulcer continues to bleed it will not be as great of a bleed. They are hopeful that this will not happen at all and it will be healed through medication and time.

The doctors will soon begin the dance of taking him in and out of sedation to see if he is ready to wake up

His cat scan showed no sign of issues

His color is looking better and even though he is still very bloated from the fluids, he looks more like himself to the family

Areas of concern:

We are waiting for the results of his EEG which will give the doctors a more detailed look at his brain function. We are told we will hear this tomorrow. Please pray for mental and physical rest for the family as we wait to know what is totally out of our control. I'll speak for myself when I say that's not an easy place to be.

We will not know the extent of his brain function until he wakes up and of course, this is a huge, huge weight for us right now.

Please continue to pray for my dad's incredible strength he has shown to us.

God is very present to us and while we have a hard time truly saying "thy will be done" we know in our hearts that God's provision is here.

I can't help but think of this Lenten season as we walk through these trials. It is a true test to the discipline of casting our burdens and giving up control that was never ours to begin with. Anne Lammot talks about the image of a child sitting in the back seat of a car with a plastic wheel . . . moving that wheel around as if he is in control of the car. And the child's mother looks in the rear view mirror and smiles. God is our driver and I am reminded that as much as I want to choose my dad's destiny, I am in the back with the plastic wheel. In some strange way, there is comfort in that.



  1. this is such awesome and encouraging news!!! your faith and the faith of those that love you and your dad has started to move those mountains.

    your last post reminded me of my favorite name for God...Jehovah Jirah-the Lord provides or the Lord sees all. That has always given me comfort even when it is very hard to believe.

  2. I'm glad that Sam had a better day today; I hope for the day he pulls his first practical joke on the medical staff . . . .

    I send my hope and prayers to Sam and all his family that they can gracefully bear the difficulties they are under now.

    I'd like to share a practical way to put deposits in Sam's favor in the big karma bank in they sky. I'm a regular blood donor; I don't really think that my most recent donation helped Sam out, but I like the notion that it might. I'd like to encourage all of those reading this blog to become regular blood donors if your health allows. 20 strangers helped Sam out when he was in dire need; you could be the stranger that helps someone else out when they need it.

  3. Barbara, You and all your family have such faith and it will carry you and your dad through...glad there were so many areas of praise today. And we will keep praying for your areas of concern...may God give you all the strength to await the EEG results and may there be only good news.

    I too just recently donated blood and I believe I will keep doing it regularly now too...

  4. We will pray for the EEG results to be good news for your family. Also want you to know that I talked to Nancy K. and Joyce who are praying for you too. Joyce doesn't have access to the internet and Nancy asked me to let you know that all of her prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. Davida

  5. Praise God and celebrate all the GOOD today!

    Our prayers continue to fill the lines up to Heaven from Sarasota!

    God give you peace and comfort this evening as you try and get rest. May the sunshine bring more good results on Wednesday!

    Much love, Bee and Paul

  6. David and I are praying for all of you as you traverse these uncertain waters. God is the driver, and the best one to be at the helm of this ship. May His peace be felt among you all.

  7. Peace to you in this difficult time of waiting and unknowns. May you and your whole family know a special peace that truly passes understanding. We are praying for a continuous stream of good news. Bless you.

  8. Praying that peace will be yours tonight as you slumber, and that joyous news will greet you when you wake.

  9. All of us dinner group "kids" are praying really hard too... Our love and thoughts are with you all!! Julie (Piro) Sassano

  10. Hello Again-Hedy from EJ at NBC would like to pass along to Dwight and his family that she is praying for you. She does not have access to the internet now so I write this for her.
