Friday, March 27, 2009

No news yet

We are still waiting for my dad to take the MRI. I am feeling nervous that the test will come back bad. I know this test is it. The final decision. I have been hopeful this entire time, even when they said my dad might be brain dead. I still did not give up hope. When I sit with my dad I feel that he is going to make it. I know he is. But when I wait in the waiting room I get nervous. I still need everyone to pray just as hard as when we heard bad news. Pray loud and hard. I know God is listening. He needs to hear from you. Don't give up on him. I have not. My dad needs the prayers. God is going to work a miracle.



  1. Bless you, Christine - and your whole family! We DO pray for Dwight's complete restoration and when we don't know how to pray, ask the Spirit to make intercession for us. Praise God that this is true.

  2. Christine, We have not given up and your positive attitude is going to absolutely bring a miracle. We are praying hard and loud for your dad and we will continue to. God is watching over your dad and He will bring him back to you. Love, Laura, Mark and Vinny

  3. Hi Christine, Been praying for your dad's recovery and for your family to have strength in this hard time, though all the comments I have seen so far shows how strong your family ALREADY is. It's pretty amazing actually. And I know that Lisa (on a plane home from Singapore right now) is praying for you all and keeping you in her heart as well. Hoping the next news is the best news. Take care.
    - Dan and Lisa
