Wednesday, March 25, 2009


On the suggestion of Nathan, we added a counter to our blog. I added it at 9:30PM last night. It is on the left colum of this page. Please take a look at the count. It is a way to quantify the amazing, amazing support and love we have been given through your concern and care. Thank you, thank you. As that number continues to go up we are comforted in knowing that our community surrounds us.

I am concerned for my mom's ability to balance her time here with rest. She wants to make sure that she sees all of her visitors and finds a lot of comfort in your presence here. In order to let her feel like she can run back to the hotel or grab some food, I am asking that if you come to visit and we are not in the waiting room to please call my mom or dad's cell phone (she has both). We are always within a block or two of the waiting room so we can be back here in a moments notice.




  1. My dear friend Sue...
    Please take time to rest.
    Love you, Bee

  2. I am feeling so much for you, and hanging on every blog post. (Thank you for taking the time to update so often, Barbara!) You are all in our constant thoughts and prayers. Peace (in whatever form it can take) be with you. Know that you are surrounded by angels and the prayers we send to you.

    Polly and Rich McClellan

  3. Dearest Sue, Barbara, Christine, Nathan, and Family,
    Thank you so much for posting the blogs and providing an update on your dad (husband). You are continuously in my prayers and thoughts and have the love, prayers, thoughts, and support of many.
    Stay strong...Love and peace to all...Liz

  4. Dear Sue, Christine, Barbara and family,
    I heard about Dwight on the Winnetka message line and my prayers immediately began for your family. Even though I now live far from your area, your family means a lot to me. May God surround you with his loving arms and please know that many prayers are being sent to God from Naples, FL!
    Wendy Dahlstrom DaPrato
