Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Best Friend

It is at a time like this that we find comfort from the prayers, calls, blog and e-mail comments and visits from family and friends. I cannot thank you enough for all the love and kindness that you have been showing to us. Words are difficult to find now since I am going through the worst day of my life. Please continue to pray fervently for Dwight. Most medical interventions have been performed on him, so now it is completely in God's hands. Dwight and I have been married almost 41 years and have so many plans for the future. I cannot imagine life without him, so please continue to pray! Thank you!


  1. Sue - We are walking with you in our hearts and prayers as you are in this dark valley. We pray for a miracle for Dwight and for strength, courage and peace for you and your family. I will see you tomorrow and will be glad to help in any way I can. Our love to you -
    Ted and Jeannine

  2. I wish I could be there with you. It is difficult to be so far away. Sam and I have been praying for all of you. I'm sure God has all of you in the palm of His hand. Our love and thoughts are with you.

    JoAnn & Sam

  3. Sue, Barbara, Christine - while you and your family are going through deep grief and fear, know that you are not alone. We have been awed by the speed at which the counter on your blog has been going up - THOUSANDS of loved ones are looking out for you and lifting you up this very moment. Rely on all of us for whatever you need and may you find peace in knowing you and Dwight are deeply loved.

  4. Dear Susan, Christine and Barbara,
    We are in constant prayer for you - for strength and the "peace that passeth understanding" and we continue to pray for a miracle for Dwight. Doris and many people at Fairhaven are upholding all of you in prayer as well.
    Mya and Norm

  5. So many wonderful, comforting messages you continue to receive. You and Dwight are loved so much by so many. We are in constant prayer for Dwight, for you Sue and your beautiful family. You have an amazing track record....known each other BEFORE you were even born! Such an amazing team you two make and we pray that that team will continue for many many more years. God bless you dear Sue, Christine and Barbara. Much love from our family.....

  6. Sam means so much to so many people. He's touched all of our lives, and we're all better for having known him. That's a huge stockpile of karma pulling for him. Sam's got a huge extended family, and we're all praying for him.

  7. Dear Dwight,
    I think about you and pray for your recovery many times daily since learning of your terrible illness. You are a very popular guy and truly special as there is ONLY ONE DWIGHT.
    With God's help, I look forward to your complete recovery. Love, Paul

  8. this is so sad and sudden. our family's thoughts and prayers are with you.

    -joel anderson

  9. As Joel said, we are thinking of you all through this long agonizing wait. May you be finding some moments of peace. Our love, Becky and Ralph

  10. Dear Sue, Christine and Barbara,

    We read of Dwight's condition on the North Park Covenant Church Prayer Chain on our return from Vermont. We were shocked and saddened by this news. You all continue in our thoughts and prayers. Chuck and Jan

  11. Dear Sue and Family,
    Please find comfort in knowing that you are not in this alone-Loving thoughts and prayers are with you at all times. I am in deep awe of your faith and I pray that God watch over Dwight and your family through this time of uncertainty. May He continue to provide you all with strength and peace.
    Bernadette G.

  12. Dear Sue,
    It is so hard to know what to say at a time like this. So I always try to think of what Clara would have said. She was the wisest woman with the greatest faith. She would always say "Through him many things are possible". I always said that she had a direct line to God, for if Clara prayed it, it was answered. I know that Clara is looking down now and she wishes she could fix this for you. Because that is what a Mother is supposed to do. But I think now she is saying "Trust God and have Faith" We all know that sometimes the harder the road the harder it is to hold on to our faith, but these are the times we must hold on even tighter and don't let go. Remember we love all of you and so does God and he won't let go either.
    Everyone that Jane and I know in Rockford are praying for all of you.
    God bless you all

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. May I add my humble prayers to the many hundreds being offered for Dwight. Having been in your shoes several times I know the only thing that sustains us is our faith and the many friends and loved ones who pull ranks around us. God bless and keep you in his care and reach a healing hand on Dwight.
    (a former NBC employee)

  15. Dear Sue,
    Our hearts are crying to the Lord on behalf of Dwight and you. We pray that God would heal Dwight. We pray that God will wrap You in His tender love right now and hold you up as He walks with you through this trial. "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom. 15:13
    We love you, Phyllis & Jerry

  16. Dear Sue,
    My heart cries with you. I pray that God will perform a miracle and heal Dwight. God will give you the strength to get through this, even minute by minute. Please know that I'm praying for you, Christine and Barbara along with fervent prayers for Dwight.

  17. Susan,
    My friendship with you and Dwight goes back nearly 60 years. I have been in such shock thinking that one of my closest friends throughout my youth - who I shared so many wonderful adventures with - is in such a serious medical condition. My prayer is that God's mighty healing hand will fall upon Dwight today AND that His peace, which truly passes all our understanding, will fall and rest upon you, Christina, and Barbara. May Jesus be your closest friend hour by hour and may God be your sovereign strength. (Habakkuk 3:19)
    In Christ's Love,

  18. Sue,
    I have been faithfully reading the blog and hoping against hope for you and your family. I have always admired your family - the obvious love and joy you all share. At this impossibly difficult time, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts. Good luck and much love,
    Laurie White
