Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday PM

Many of you know that my favorite mantra is "the blessing is next to the wound". I love this image because it does not try to mask or take away from the wound but acknowledges the parallel blessings given during difficult times.

I wept when I returned home tonight after another day/night/day at the hospital and hotel. Our dear friends had taken our house keys and we came home to folded laundry, muffins, tea, wine and a clean home. What a gift of God's work through our friends.

I am overwhelmed by the amount of love shown to my family during this time in a variety of ways:



people who bring food and clean clothes


lit candles in your home and toasts to my dad

phone messages of encouragement and empathy

our friends who are in the medical field who have helped us sort through all of the information

those who have offered their homes, their hotel discounts, their transportation and time

When . . . when my dad wakes up he will be overcome by the amount of love that has been shown to him and to his family during this time.

When my dad fainted at work, the first thing he did, I am told, was to reach for his phone to inform his family. It is his reflex to love and take care of us. Thank you for doing that for him when he is not able. It is not only a gift to us but to him.

My mom wanted me to mention that the counter was put onto our blog on Tuesday at 9PM. There have been over 7,000 hits in 48 hours. Each hit to us is a reminder that a prayer has been said for my dad and we are so thankful of this tangible reminder of your support, love, courage, compassion and hope.



  1. Sleep well Barbara, Nathan, Sue, Christine and Mark. Feel God's love as He comforts you while you are resting.
    We will communicate in the morning,
    Peace be with all of you....

  2. That's exactly what each hit represents, Barbara.
    Rest well.
    Jan and Dan Strom

  3. Dear Sue, Christine, Barbara, Nathan, and Mark,
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers every moment. I truly appreciate how you are keeping everyone so well informed. I am attached to my computer constantly hoping for uplifting news. Today was a wonderful step in the right direction and I pray that the good news keeps coming! Dwight is so fortunate to have such a loving family fighting along side him. I pray for your strength as you continue to help him fight. Please let me know if there is anything you need.

  4. Our thoughts and our prayers have been with you all. We love you guys!

    Anne-Britt, Sam, Bengt, and Esme Mulberry

  5. Praying for you and your family...
    - Katie Hampton
