Friday, March 27, 2009


Tokig (pronounced "too key")is the name my dad chose to have his granddaughters call him. The loose transition for "tokig" in Swedish is crazy. Sanne loves talking to Tokig on her fake cell phone and answers to most random things like "where are we going" or "who do you love" often are answered with "Tokig"

This morning my dad's Swedish nurse started yelling to him "Tokig, wake up" and he opened his eyes!

This is good news. We don't know the extent of this good news just yet. He will be having an MRI later today which will give a more detailed idea of what damage was done to his brain during the time on Saturday that he did not have enough oxygen. So we continue to ask for prayers that they do not find anything on the MRI and that my dad continues to wake from sedation and continues to react.

After all the miraculous medical interventions and God's working hands . . . it now comes down to my dad waking up and being himself. Please pray that these miracles continue.

We thank God for our daily bread of good news to carry us through our day today.


  1. so great. more miracles to come, i am sure of it!

  2. WOW thats good news! Yay! The Josefsons are all praying, waiting and hoping for more good news.
