Sunday, March 29, 2009


As we walked in today to my dad's room I was overjoyed with the comfirmation that my dad is here. I could tell by his facial expressions and desire to communicate with us through nods, smiling and hand squeezes that he is lucid and aware of who we are. What a gift . . . to know without a doubt that my dad is healing.

Prayer Requests:

That my dad is able to focus on deep breaths and remain calm.

That they do not find any complications with his lungs and that his lungs heal completely so that they are able to take him off the ventilator.

Wisdom for our family as we discern how to talk with my dad and how to be a calm and a soothing coach for my dad.

For total healing of his ulcer.

** Please know that if you visit today (which we always love), we may ask that the visit is to the family and not to see my dad. We want to make every effort to keep my dad calm and focused on his breathing.

Thanks again for your continued support as you walk beside us on this life changing journey.



  1. Overjoyed for you! God is good! May your spirits know a peaceful Sabbath rest today as you spend time with your dad.

  2. Sabbath - what an appropriate day for this time that we wait and rest alongside Dwight. Thank you for that powerful reminder, Katie.

  3. As we walk through Lent - a season of anticipation - I am joining your family in continued prayer, continued hope, and continued waiting on God for more miracles revealed in God's timing. May rich blessings be yours in each little baby step Dwight takes. I am grateful that by sharing your experiences on this journey, you've enabled many of us to pause, appreciate the many blessings we have, and stop "sweating the small stuff". May we never take for granted that we've been given today to shower the ones we love with love.

  4. This is such joyous news! I am so happy for your family and all of Sam's other friends.

    Now, who's going to warn the nurses about Sam's fondness for practical jokes? It won't be long now . . . .



  5. We are so happy to hear the good news! Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers this week and we will continue to pray for your dad's recovery and your family. God is Good!
    Rachel Nyquist Bramley and Family

  6. Bringing Dwight and your family before God's throne has become almost as common as breathing this week. And now, it reminds me of Lazarus rising from the dead and Jesus rising on Easter! Last night at church I had no trouble singing the praise songs of Jesus healing our diseases, etc. I've seen it happen--praise to our risen Lord! God bless you all today as you watch God work in your lives and answer prayers. Your story, passed on to us through this blog site and your lives, has stretched and encouraged our faith. What a testimony that has been so far-reaching. Each of us praying has passed on the prayer requests and praises to those in our lives that we will know will pray, and this has gone on and on and on...We will not stop praying, God is so good! Love to you all, Carol, Mark, Joshua , Elisabeth, and Rachel Lamb

  7. Hi Barbara, Sue, Christine, Nathan, Mark, Sanne and Klara!
    Today is a GOOD day! Let us be glad and rejoice!! We surely rejoiced in church today!
    We shared "Dwight's Story" with our Sunday School class and during the service, the congregation prayed for the "miracle in progress" happening in Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, Illinois!
    God be with all of you today as you continue to encourage Dwight and provide calmness in his room.
    We are there with you in the waiting room, only we are on the computer. Thank you for this gift of "reporting" the latest news to all of us! You have all been so wonderful!
    Peace to all, Bee and Paul

  8. It is so exciting to read that Dwight is recognizing his family and beginning the long healing process. What joy you must be experiencing.

    Kathleen and Hal

  9. What joy to hear of such a miracle. Ian and Owen couldn't figure out why I was crying last night until I told them, "You know that friend from church that we've been praying for? He woke up!" We continue in our prayers and rejoice in the powerful feeling of community and faith your family and this blog are providing!
    The McClellans
