Saturday, March 28, 2009


From all of us, we THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS AND KIND WORDS. But most of all, We thank God! This experience has brought our family closer together than ever before. Dwight will be happy to know this.

The ICU doctor said that his review of the MRI didn't show anything of concern. He still wants the neurologist to look at it, but he said the real indication of Dwight's condition is how he is acting now that he is awake. He told me that Dwight will be talking to us soon. They took him off the ventilator for little while this morning. Dwight was breathing on his own, but he was taking some quicker, shallow breaths. They put him back on the ventilator but the doctor said he thinks they'll be able to remove it this afternoon.

All of my deepest thanks and gratitude to everyone.



  1. Dear Sue,Christine, Barbara, Mark and Nathan,
    Every moring and evening the first and last thing we do is check the blog. I cannot tell you how very happy we are with the wonderful news that Dwight is recovering. He is such a wonderful person, and we have been praying very hard. We are just so thankful. Praise God Many blessings to all of you,with love from your friends
    Maria and Dave

  2. Dear Dwight,Sue,Christine,Mark,Barbara,Nathan:
    I just got off the phone telling my parents (Ray and Fran-in Florida) the wonderful news that Dwight is recovering and the MRI report is so positive! The whole Wallgren family has been praying for Dwight and all of you during this time of crisis. You are all a wonderful witness, putting this situation in God's hands, but also remaining positive and hopeful and doing all that you can to help Dwight with his fight for life. Our prayers will continue for a full recovery in the days ahead.
    Love, John, Joan and family

  3. I am crying tears for joy for you all and will continue to pray for complete healing, both for your bodies and your souls. My mom sends her love to you all from Israel.


  4. i am so so so so happy! thank god! this is the best news ever!!!!! i will continue to pray for him and your family through his whole recovery. amen!

  5. We have been keeping a prayer vigil for Dwight and his family. We rejoice with you on the good news you have received this morning. Our prayers continue to be with you that healing will be complete for Dwight. Philippians 4:6,7
    Dorothy and Edmund Train

  6. heard the good news about sam recognizing ellee today. ya! i've been praying for him, his healing, and for his faith during all this ordeal. glad to hear about the mri. thanks for the blog.

  7. Hallelujah! I will now lift up thanks and pray for Dwight's healing and rest. And rest for all of you! What a blessing and a miracle!

  8. I repeat an earlier quote, because it says it all:
    "Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow."

    We thank God for bright hope for the tomorrows ahead. Our prayers continue for all of you.
    Royce & Marge Eckhardt
