Thursday, March 26, 2009

KEEP PRAYING --- God is listening!

This is Mark (Dwight's "favorite son-in-law"...j/k Nathan). Things are happening and I am full of hope right now. I just saw Dwight and there was a promising sign. But, first let me fill you in on what's happened today.

This morning (around 11 am), the neurologist performed some tests and then asked that we (the family) meet with him and the ICU doctor in a conference room. When you hear that, you get worried. Here's what they told us. First off, Dwight is NOT "brain dead"! His brain stem functions, including basic reflexes, were working. His pupils respond to light, he can bite, he yawns, he coughs. This is the good news.

Then, the neurologist mentioned that the EEG test, which they had monitored for 24 hours was really ordered because they wanted to see if some muscle twitching in his neck was related to seisures. He said the test seems to show they are not seisures. While this sounds good, he said it creates other concerns. There appears to be a disconnect between the brain and the muscles in his neck.

Some tests perfomed on Dwight's reflexes to pinching some of his muscles and nerves showed some response in his right arm but no response in his left arm (remember this).

Basically, the doctors said the next test would be an MRI of the brain; however, they have to wait for him to strengthen and stabilize more. They may be able to perform the test tomorrow. The MRI will give a better indication if there has been any severe damage to the brain. If so, the neurologist said the prognosis is not good. However, if the test looks okay, hope continues.

We left the meeting feeling a little relief that the early EEG results from yesterday aren't definitive. For now, we expect Dwight to remain stable. He is still in a deep coma.

Now for the exciting news. I was just in his room with a nurse and I noticed his left arm moving. I pinched a nail on his left arm and he responded to this. This was the arm that showed no activity earlier. This for me provided a tremendous boost in hope and excitement. I STILL BELIEVE GOD IS HEALING DWIGHT AND BRINGING HIM BACK TO US. Nothing has told me that all hope is lost. To the contrary, I am more hopeful now than I was after meeting with the doctors.

Okay, now is where I ask EVERYONE, please CONTINUE TO PRAY. GOD HONORS PRAYERS WHEN WE BELIEVE AND TRUST IN HIM. I ask you all to remain positive and hopeful. I believe a miracle is at work. I'm not giving up. I'm asking you to do the same.


  1. this is great and hopeful news! my day has been filled with "god, please give dwight the strength to wake up" and "dwight, come on, we need you to wake up" and i will continue these prayers. but these are all really good signs.

    thanks for the update.

  2. I have goosebumps all over. I am STILL PRAYING!

  3. Every step is a victory. You know this reminded me of when my grandpa died, he had a massive stroke and was neurologically "gone" with the exception of breathing. He was unresponsive for over a week, and when the time came for me to leave to go to grad school (and would be the last time I saw him) I was holding his hand, crying in his ear that I loved him dearly, and that although I had to leave, in my mind I'd never let go of him. As I pulled away to leave his hands would not let go of mine, and he had tears in his eyes. I know that he heard me, just as I know that your dad/husband/friend can hear you. I am hopeful that he will hear the calls of the people who love him and he is able to find his way back. Grace be with you all.

  4. Even the smallest increments are WONDERFUL. I believe Dwight is trying to show us that he is fighting as hard as he can to get back to us. I'll keep praying AS LONG AS IT TAKES for this to happen. Davida

  5. Your clarity, warmth, and depth of writing makes us all feel like we're there with you sharing your pain and stress. You've reminded us that Dwight and his family are perfectly safe in God's hands in the midst of catastrophe. We will continue praying for God's generous hand of healing to bless His son Dwight and meet his family's needs right now.
    Craig J

  6. Very encouraging news! So glad to hear it, we are praying for all of you.

  7. Wonderful news! Dale and I are sitting in the family waiting room right now waiting for our twins to be born. It is so great to be able to keep tabs on all of you and continue to pray for Dwight's healing. Dale reiterates, there IS hope! Will check in again later!

    Love, Sherri

  8. Praise God for ANY GOOD NEWS!! We are on your page, Mark!! Keep pinching that nail on his left arm....Dwight is a fighter and he has God on his side! We are so encouraged..thank you for these words of hope! We continue to pray and ask for this miracle of life. God be with all of you, Hugs...Bee and Paul

  9. What a hopeful message, Mark! I agree with Bee and Paul...keep pinching that nail. It sounds like Dwight is communicating with you. God does listen to our prayers. We will keep praying for all of you.
    Love, JoAnn & Sam

  10. This is indeed wonderful, Mark. It's just the kind of news we knew would be forthcoming. It's a step on the road to recovery, and we'll continue to pray for Sam.

  11. You're in everyone's thoughts at Fairview. You're in my prayers constantly. This is such good news--baby steps, but steps just the same. It won't be long before Dwight will be back to pulling practical jokes on everyone.
    "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
    Love, Carol

  12. So happy to hear these positive things- your favorite father-in-law is in our prayers as are all of you.
    "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
    Love, Laura, Mark & Vinny

  13. I am so happy to hear the news I just read. I can't beleive the wonderful words you are putting down, it is truly hopeful. I will continue to pray for you all.

  14. Dear Sue and Family,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. I pray that each day there are more positive signs and that you are able to maintain your strength and keep fighting along with Dwight.
    Emily Brotsky

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. We live in hope and constant prayer. I'm envisioning a day when Dwight comes into church to thunderous applause...

  17. Just wanted to let you know that we continue to pray for you and your family and for the miraculous work that God is capable of doing. I can definitely relate to what you are going through. Nearly 4 years ago at age 42 my sister suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and underwent a very risky surgery with a grim prognosis. Only a year and a half after she was 99% recovered, and today if you met her you'd never know anything happened to her. We will continue to pray for Dwight!

  18. Dear Susan,
    We coninue to pray and believe for a total recovery for Dwight. As Nathan mentioned - he was more hopeful now then right after speaking to the Dr. Always remember (and I am very thankful for Dr.'s God uses them) that we need to continue to hold on to God His love and Promises no matter what the Dr.'s are saying. Stay encouraged and thank God for His work in Dwight!!!
    Love you!

  19. Please know that you are in my prayers. I pray for healing for Dwight and continued good news; for God's strength, comfort and peace for Sue, Barbara, Christine and your family. My heart goes out to all of you. Yvonne

  20. Dear Sue, Christine, Barbara, Nathan, and Mark,
    May it comfort you knowing that you are embraced by the love, prayers, and support of all. Each day brings a ray of sunshine and encouragement that Dwight will continue making steady progress.
    My heartfelt thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and yours:: I believe in miracles!
    Love and Peace...Liz
